Meaning for


Demanding respect. Being assertive. Time to lay down the law with someone in your life and be clear about what you want or do not want. This person could even be you. Having limits to how far you can go in a certain area of life. Limiting others or controlling them from moving forward in some way without your permission. Stopping someone from going too far with you. Is someone holding you back from being yourself? Do you feel blocked from moving forward? Do you feel held back in your behaviour? Do you fear to go beyond your current way of doing things? Are you limited in your environment as to how open you can be or what you can say or think?

See Personal Space, Bubble, Blocked, Protect, Shield, Visitor, Barricade, Fence, Hedge, Stop, Control, Controller, Freedom, Porcupine, Fight, Argument, Sabotage, Skunk, Unknown, Open, Closed, Choice, Decisions, Trespassing, Danger, Risk, Selfish, Responsibility, Chaos, Wrong, Bad, Pandora’s Box.

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