Meaning for


The ability to move forwards and backwards. Moving in your own direction. Stability, power capacity, balance, and a firm base. Mother Earth connections and the ability to be grounded. A sign to move forward and leave the past behind. The right leg is the rational side. This may indicate fear of not wanting to do something or go somewhere. Work, family, and sexual issues. The left leg is the emotional side and may be a part of you that feels held back from going somewhere or from doing something. Are you afraid of the future and therefore you are resisting change? Do you feel limited or unsupported? Are the responsibilities of life getting too hard to carry on your own? Do you need help?

See Hips, Cramps, Knees, Feet, Body, Male, Female, Limb, Amputation, Forward, Backwards, Reverse, Walk, Run, Jump, Moving, Muscle, Pain, Numb, Razor, Sharp, Cut, Blood, Balance, Walk.

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