It is time to have more faith in yourself and in what you can do in life. Be independent and free and let go of old pent-up resentments. Deal with any anger you are harbouring within you, especially about other’s choices in life. Other’s choices are not about you, they are about them, so let it go. Some emotions that can be carried in the liver are frustration, jealousy, aggravation, aggression, fears, judgment, and depression. It could also hold resentments towards money issues or family issues, as well as emotional triggers. How ready are you to make changes in your life? Are you trying to change your mind, not just your body? Are you working on positive self-talk? Are you using affirmations every day and sticking with them? Is it time to get rid of material items that are cluttering up your life, so you can feel free of the past and have more room to grow in the now?
See Organs, Gallbladder, Anger, Resentment, Letting Go.