
Meaning for


The part of you that is ready to take your inner relationship to the next level. Having sex with your partner or another partner shows your feelings about your personal relationship with yourself. It could also signify how you feel about the close relationships you have around you, both sexual and non-sexual. Are you feeling a pleasant exchange with others you are close to? Are you feeling forced in some way? Are you bored with your relationships? Do you feel that others are being overbearing or controlling? A lover could be someone you feel spiritually connected to, that you wish to commit to and to clean up your past issues for. A person that helps you recognize that it is safe to feel, safe to change and safe to grow. It could be the desire for a deeper connection like meditation or walks in nature.

See Sensual, Love, Heart Break, Relationship, Liar, Lies, Cheat, Polygraph Test, Partner, Couple, Friend, Best Friend, Breakup, Separation, Sadness, Depression, Letting Go, Responsibility, Choice, Adultery, Return, Valentine’s Day.

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