Meaning for


A vast area of power and resources that are within you. It is time to use that energy to achieve great things. The mansion represents the different facets of your internal landscape and the vast potential within you, that you need to connect to or revisit. Where you are in the mansion is important. There are many rooms that make up the mental or emotional aspects of you and each play an important role in helping you navigate what needs to be healed or balanced in your life. There are unknown rooms within you, cluttered ones, dark ones, light-filled ones and ones that you either clean up in or make messes in. There are parts of your personality that could be bigger, better, redecorated, or reconstructed, and some rooms within you are perfect as they are. Buildings in general call humans into new ways of being, thinking or creating. If the closets of your life are clean, then you are clean inside. A messy one shows the scatteredness within.

See Buildings, Attic, Basement, Bedrooms, Closets, Chest, Bathroom, Garage, Ground Floor, Kitchen, Office, Library, Drawers, Files, Dining Room, Living Room, Patio, Porch, Roof, Yard, Toilet, Upstairs, Soul Pieces.

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