Meaning for


You are being reminded of your potential power which can be used to connect your energies in pursuit of spiritual connection and personal growth. The Merkabah is light, spirit, and the body in balance. It is a shape made of two intersecting tetrahedrons that spin in opposite directions, creating a 3-dimensional energy field. You are being called to activate this vehicle of light around your own body. You can do this through meditation and breathing techniques and seeing the Merkabah spin and keep that focus. It can add protection around the body. Having an active Merkabah also helps you transport yourself easier into higher dimensions of consciousness. Potential power can be wielded when you unite your own energy with light energy in pursuit of connection and growth. Time to align opposing energies.

See Aura, Body of Light, Yin, Yang, Energy, Vibration, Balance, Shapes, Consciousness, Subconscious, Power, Light, Dimensions, Pilot, Flying, Flight, Evolution.

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