
Meaning for


The need to let go of your social inhibitions, like mental blocks with others, psychological blocks, self-confidence issues, shyness, uneasiness with others or with certain male or female attributes within the self. The dream may indicate that you need to deal with things that are embarrassing to you or things that make you feel nervous or uncomfortable. The role you played in the dream could be showing you whether you are taking the lead enough in life, especially within a sexual relationship. Are you overly assertive? Or not assertive enough? Are others restraining from you too much? Is it time to talk about your emotional issues with your partner?

See Orgasm, Vagina, Penis, Genitals, Male, Female, Semen, Body, Erotic, Hunger, Karma, Lover, Love, Lust, Relationship, Taste, Ejaculation, Freedom, Adultery, Betrayal, Partner.

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