
Meaning for


Summer Solstice– Indicates that an area of your life is about to go through an awakening. It could be pointing at the actual month of June as a time for shift or growth, as June 21-23 is summer solstice. It is a time of abundance and hope, especially when it comes to love, and new relationships. You are about to uncover the mysteries of the magic within, and to connect more deeply with fairies and nature spirits. This is also a time to work on your psychic abilities, as psychic vision is currently more active. Winter Solstice– Indicates that an area of your life is about to go through a deep healing. Rest and rejuvenation are themes around you. It could be pointing at the actual month of December as a time for new birth, as December 21-23 is winter solstice. You may find yourself slowing down in your activities at this time. You can better tap into your intuitive side and go deeper in your meditations. You may have a deeper connection with the angel realm at this time. Pay special attention to any emotional or mental issues that arise as they are indicators of how you can help yourself at this time. This is a good time to work with your dreams.

See Seasons, Winter, Summer, Equinox, Psychic, Healing, Transformation, Rebirth, Meditation, Intuition.

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