Delve into the spirit’s journey and uncover the mysteries of the spiritual realm. Kimspirational will guide you through a transformative experience, helping you gain a deeper understanding of the spirit’s path. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and explore the spiritual world together. DURATION: 1h 36min

People have entertained themselves with spooky stories for centuries — and humans have a certain draw to what scares them. She will tell some of her spookiest stories. Kim will share what she did to help bring harmony into these haunted houses. And how she learned to live in peace with the spirits that still reside in the European house that she lives in today. DURATION: 1h 50min

Knowing your zodiac and how it affects you can change how you live your life. Knowing your complete zodiac can help you find a sense of peace and understanding of the world around you. Like the moon affects our bodies, so do the planets. Learn how to have more confidence, self-esteem, a better self-image, sense of self and know yourself better. Do you want to influence your life path in positive ways? Have the vantage point by getting to know your zodiac better. DURATION: 2h 2min

Archangel Ariel will help us connect to the Fairies, who are the tiny guardian angels taking care of our environment and the animals. Fairies have a world of their own and we are living in a very special time in our existence where we are finally willing to humble ourselves enough to look inside their world. The fairies inhabit a space called, “Neither Here nor There”. DURATION: 2h 12min

Soulmates come in many forms and can be much more than a romantic partner. It is someone with whom you feel an intense connection, no matter its title. They can play an active role in our lives and in our spiritual journey. Each kind of soulmate shares an exclusive lifelong bond that cannot be broken. DURATION: 2h 10 min

We are much more than the 3-dimensional beings that we see when we look in the mirror. There is much more to our existence and the world around us than what meets the eye. For generations, the narrative has not changed.
People are still asking the same questions such as: Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? DURATION: 2h 07 min

With a changing world and so many unknowns, rituals remain important in our lives. Rituals help us create bonds, and encourage sharing. Traditionally rituals were a way of passing down teachings, and acted as a kind of social glue that held communities together. DURATION: 1h 34 min

Did you know that karma is a collective karmic memory shared between you and your family, your community, nation, and across humanity? Yet how you choose to experience your life is still determined by you. DURATION: 1h 30min

A soul’s journey is a continual process of evolving that never ends. Soul lessons are pre-planned life experiences needed for our soul advancement and to discover our inner light. Soul contracts are not always fun, but they do lead us to conscious awareness. DURATION: 1h 51min

In what way are we all responsible for the world we see around us? Is it possible that you and I created it? What is the purpose of us coming to earth, if we were going to mess it all up in the first place? DURATION: 2h 01min