Everyone has intuitive abilities. Many have started waking up to the fact that they possess different abilities and are becoming sensitive to their intuitive gifts, one of which is channeling. Find out where and how to start opening to this gift, how to stay balanced, and how to deal with this newfound ability in a healthy way. DURATION: 1h 43min

Be sure to have your own pendulums for this webinar and print out the PDF’s provided beforehand. It will be hands on play. We will discuss what pendulum divination is and how it works. We will look at ways of how to clear your divining tool or energies and how to keep it clear. DURATION: 1h 57min

What do thoughts have to do with who we are, and what we will become in life? We have 60,000 thoughts rolling around in our head on a daily basis. These thoughts have a major influence on our present circumstances and on what we have or what we are missing in our lives. DURATION: 1h 34 min

As the world matures, so do humans. We are all waking up to the issues within the world and the fact that outdated ways of being are needing to change, which includes our actions that add to the old paradigm way of thinking or being. As a result, you may find yourself in one of many stages of spiritual awakenings happening on the planet. DURATION: 1h 33 min

Like your health, a negative lifestyle or stress filled existence without proper treatment, could turn into a condition that deteriorates and spreads and depreciates your daily activities and quality of life. None of that is needed and can be completely avoided or fixed. DURATION: 2h 08 min

Negative energy has a profound effect on people. Negative energy can be expressed in our attitudes and plays out as real-life drama. That energy gets carried over into our homes, workplaces, and other areas where we spend a lot of time. Negative energy can be overwhelming and frightening. It might make us draw inward and therefore we may become uncooperative. DURATION: 1h 47 min

Unlocking and strengthening your innate psychic potential can be done in fast, effective ways to develop your abilities. There are stages of growth that your abilities go through, much like we grow as human beings from childhood into adulthood. We begin with simple observation skills and eventually move forward to deeper techniques before entering the stage of psychic mastery. DURATION: 2h 19 min

Geometric patterns and shapes are woven into the very fabric of our beings and are what built the foundations of the universe we belong to. They are what vibrate and deliver energy in and around us. They can also heal your body, focus your mind, and ground your soul. DURATION: 2h 09 min

As your consciousness becomes more self-aware, the ego weakens and has less hold over you. It is in that moment that the amount of energy or vibration available also increases in and around you. Awareness, along with the body’s molecules, are a powerful combination which are vibrating constantly, and creating and manifesting through energy waves. DURATION: 1h 58min

The more aware we become of our body or energy the more we can handle the extremes that life throws at us. Are you an empath that seems to get thrown around like a rag doll when it comes to emotions and handling the emotions of the world? DURATION: 1h 40min