Home / Transformation Updates / Sequence of 11-11 or 111 Sequence of 11-11 or 111 We humans are experiencing multiple changes all at once here on Earth. There is a constant and active transformation happening, and it is affecting humans on unmeasurable energetic levels. We reject or delete old programs, insert them, and update and download new ones constantly. This can be hard on the mind, body, and spirit. The Transformation Update is a map that allows you to navigate back to Source Energy, especially when the waters of these shifts and changes get rough. Kimspirational shares information given to her by the guides and angels. Tune in as she provides strategies, tools, and coping skills. Tap into important Source information and align with your destiny. DURATION: 36:15 minutes FORMAT: Video + MP3 ***NOTE: After purchase, you will receive an email with the CODE to watch this video in the MY PURCHASES section under the TRANSFORMATION UPDATES section. 6.97$ Sequence of 11-11 or 111 quantity Add to cart SKU: TU-0004 Category: Transformation Updates Related products Transcendental Wisdom 6.97$ Time to Wake Up 6.97$ 3D to 5D Shifts 6.97$ Collective Shifts in the Human Experience 6.97$ Higher Frequency Downloads 6.97$ Healing Generational Cycles And Trauma 6.97$