


WELL-BEING seminars

For those who are listening and suffering through life’s challenges and trying to get past your loops. Know that I am feeling you. I get it. When we go through trauma, afterward, we often do things to make us numb. This might mean hiding away. For others, it's substance abuse. Some overeat. Some fight, some take flight. There are many ways to heal our-self. What if I told you that everything that happened in your life up until this point has been for a reason? DURATION: 1h 47min

We can all experience a major depressive episode at some point in our lives. Depression affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. It causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities that you once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical symptoms, which can vary from mild to severe. DURATION: 1h 40min

This is a fascinating subject that cannot be explored enough. The aura is a halo or field of luminous radiation which surrounds living things. The colours surrounding an individual helps us determine many things about them, such as their state of being or possibly what people are good at. DURATION: 2h 12min

The Chakra System refers to the energy centers in your body. Their function is to help you stay aligned and harmonized. The chakras need to stay open and steady to avoid physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues. Often called the "seven doors to higher consciousness," understanding the main chakra system is vitally important for those on the path of raising their vibration. DURATION: 2h 08 min

When disease was first used historically, it literally meant “uncomfortable or not at ease,” rather than how it is used today, which refers to sickness or problems with how the body functions. When we look at it from a holistic approach, dis-ease simple means that something needs to be restored to help your body become normal again. DURATION: 1h 53 min

True freedom is when we break away from societies teachings and let go of taught codependencies and become our own interdependent person. We spend a portion of our life widening our road by taking on a variety of personalities, titles, and beliefs that seemed right at the time but that bog us down walking forward. DURATION: 1h 02 min

Being a sensitive person in this increasingly busy world is not an easy task. It can be lonely and overwhelming. However, being sensitive does not have to hold us back from being normal. DURATION: 1h 30min

Don’t let ego issues continue to chase you along your spiritual path. It won’t go away if you do not face it. Take back control and learn how to turn down the volume to that voice in your head that devalues you and causes you to struggle with self esteem. DURATION: 1h 28min

Trauma has stages much like grief does. In fact, they are one in the same. If we disallow ourselves to complete those stages properly, triggers will surface at later points in our lives for us to deal with properly. DURATION: 1h 46mins

In this class we will be talking about how to handle aggression and how to recognize it. For example, did you know that interrupting is the type of aggressive behaviour? DURATION: 1h 38mins

Explore the ancient wisdom of male and female balance. Find out how to master sacred love within the self and how to share it with another.
DURATION: 1h 46mins

Letting go may be the single most important lesson that anyone is learning at this time. Learn how to remain diplomatic or neutral while avoiding arguments, unless related to the self. DURATION: 1h 10mins

What does the new bridge of consciousness look like? What reality are you choosing to live in, the old or the new? DURATION: 51mins


Get ready for an exciting online event that will supercharge your well-being. Discover ways to boost your physical and mental health. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to kickstart your journey to a healthier you! Discover this wonderful Archangel’s soft, gentle presence and its comforting effect. Learn how to call on him yourself to reduce stress and anxiety and to supercharge your health. DURATION: 1h 50min

Learn how to work with Archangel Nathaniel, who clears obstacles, aiding and removing any barriers to your Soul’s Purpose or Mission. Work with him to release and clear away unwanted patterns. Especially ones that block your journey as a Lightworker or life in general. This event includes a meditation where we will call on Archangel Nathaniel to help us with any changes we are going through or need to go through in our lives. DURATION: 1h 20min


Delve into the spirit’s journey and uncover the mysteries of the spiritual realm. Kimspirational will guide you through a transformative experience, helping you gain a deeper understanding of the spirit’s path. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and explore the spiritual world together. DURATION: 1h 36min

People have entertained themselves with spooky stories for centuries — and humans have a certain draw to what scares them. She will tell some of her spookiest stories. Kim will share what she did to help bring harmony into these haunted houses. And how she learned to live in peace with the spirits that still reside in the European house that she lives in today. DURATION: 1h 50min

Knowing your zodiac and how it affects you can change how you live your life. Knowing your complete zodiac can help you find a sense of peace and understanding of the world around you. Like the moon affects our bodies, so do the planets. Learn how to have more confidence, self-esteem, a better self-image, sense of self and know yourself better. Do you want to influence your life path in positive ways? Have the vantage point by getting to know your zodiac better. DURATION: 2h 2min

Archangel Ariel will help us connect to the Fairies, who are the tiny guardian angels taking care of our environment and the animals. Fairies have a world of their own and we are living in a very special time in our existence where we are finally willing to humble ourselves enough to look inside their world. The fairies inhabit a space called, “Neither Here nor There”. DURATION: 2h 12min

Soulmates come in many forms and can be much more than a romantic partner. It is someone with whom you feel an intense connection, no matter its title. They can play an active role in our lives and in our spiritual journey. Each kind of soulmate shares an exclusive lifelong bond that cannot be broken. DURATION: 2h 10 min

We are much more than the 3-dimensional beings that we see when we look in the mirror. There is much more to our existence and the world around us than what meets the eye. For generations, the narrative has not changed.
People are still asking the same questions such as: Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? DURATION: 2h 07 min

With a changing world and so many unknowns, rituals remain important in our lives. Rituals help us create bonds, and encourage sharing. Traditionally rituals were a way of passing down teachings, and acted as a kind of social glue that held communities together. DURATION: 1h 34 min

Did you know that karma is a collective karmic memory shared between you and your family, your community, nation, and across humanity? Yet how you choose to experience your life is still determined by you. DURATION: 1h 30min

A soul’s journey is a continual process of evolving that never ends. Soul lessons are pre-planned life experiences needed for our soul advancement and to discover our inner light. Soul contracts are not always fun, but they do lead us to conscious awareness. DURATION: 1h 51min

In what way are we all responsible for the world we see around us? Is it possible that you and I created it? What is the purpose of us coming to earth, if we were going to mess it all up in the first place? DURATION: 2h 01min


Everyone has intuitive abilities. Many have started waking up to the fact that they possess different abilities and are becoming sensitive to their intuitive gifts, one of which is channeling. Find out where and how to start opening to this gift, how to stay balanced, and how to deal with this newfound ability in a healthy way. DURATION: 1h 43min

Be sure to have your own pendulums for this webinar and print out the PDF’s provided beforehand. It will be hands on play. We will discuss what pendulum divination is and how it works. We will look at ways of how to clear your divining tool or energies and how to keep it clear. DURATION: 1h 57min

What do thoughts have to do with who we are, and what we will become in life? We have 60,000 thoughts rolling around in our head on a daily basis. These thoughts have a major influence on our present circumstances and on what we have or what we are missing in our lives. DURATION: 1h 34 min

As the world matures, so do humans. We are all waking up to the issues within the world and the fact that outdated ways of being are needing to change, which includes our actions that add to the old paradigm way of thinking or being. As a result, you may find yourself in one of many stages of spiritual awakenings happening on the planet. DURATION: 1h 33 min

Like your health, a negative lifestyle or stress filled existence without proper treatment, could turn into a condition that deteriorates and spreads and depreciates your daily activities and quality of life. None of that is needed and can be completely avoided or fixed. DURATION: 2h 08 min

Negative energy has a profound effect on people. Negative energy can be expressed in our attitudes and plays out as real-life drama. That energy gets carried over into our homes, workplaces, and other areas where we spend a lot of time. Negative energy can be overwhelming and frightening. It might make us draw inward and therefore we may become uncooperative. DURATION: 1h 47 min

Unlocking and strengthening your innate psychic potential can be done in fast, effective ways to develop your abilities. There are stages of growth that your abilities go through, much like we grow as human beings from childhood into adulthood. We begin with simple observation skills and eventually move forward to deeper techniques before entering the stage of psychic mastery. DURATION: 2h 19 min

Geometric patterns and shapes are woven into the very fabric of our beings and are what built the foundations of the universe we belong to. They are what vibrate and deliver energy in and around us. They can also heal your body, focus your mind, and ground your soul. DURATION: 2h 09 min

As your consciousness becomes more self-aware, the ego weakens and has less hold over you. It is in that moment that the amount of energy or vibration available also increases in and around you. Awareness, along with the body’s molecules, are a powerful combination which are vibrating constantly, and creating and manifesting through energy waves. DURATION: 1h 58min

The more aware we become of our body or energy the more we can handle the extremes that life throws at us. Are you an empath that seems to get thrown around like a rag doll when it comes to emotions and handling the emotions of the world? DURATION: 1h 40min


DURATION: 16:10 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 10:21 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 15:22 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 10:38 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 08:26 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 05:37 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik



DURATION: 23:04 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 20:00 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 15:24 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 11:56 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 17:48 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 13:23 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 11:22 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 20:07 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 11:38 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 17:28 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 22:08 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik



DURATION: 9:58 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 10:16 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 12:10 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 10:00 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 11:29 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 12:29 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 12:16 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 12:09 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 11:20 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 07:36 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik


DURATION: 15:16 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 21:17 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 20:11 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 17:49 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 22:13 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 32:39 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik


DURATION: 14:33 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 25:26 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 12:12 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 19:45 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 17:31 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 44:44 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik

DURATION: 17:25 minutes, Music by Žiga Jamnik



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DURATION: 09:26 minutes