
Meet Your Guides + Meditation

We have many guides that help us within our lifetime. They may lead us for a long time or for short periods of time in our lives. It all depends on the position they play and how connected you are to them. Did you know, for example, that when you were born heaven made an exchange with a family member? Sending you to Earth and bringing them home to Heaven to guide you? This is often why we find ourselves having an interest in deceased members of our family that we never met. That or that person comes to mind at different intervals of our life and we don’t really know why that is. Its because they have a specific role to play with us in getting us to a point of success when it comes to our Divine Purpose.

  • Do you want to know who your guides are?
  • Would you like to meet them and know how to maintain your connection with them?
  • Want the easy to do list?

If you say yes to these questions, then this course is for you. Kim will walk you through it all, how to connect with your guides, in a step by step, easy to follow process. We have many different types of guides to get to know. Communication with them may vary, but they have one specific goal in mind, which is you. Getting to know who is around you makes it easier when you begin to make contact in order to do what it is that you came to Earth to do.

This course will also come with a meditation so that you can work with your guides and meet with them often to make sure that the connection you make is kept in a beautiful and safe manner.

DURATION: 2 hours 16 minutes consists of two parts and meditation.

FORMAT:  Video + MP3 (meditation)


***NOTE: After purchase, you will receive an email with the CODE to watch this webinar in the MY PURCHASES section under the special seminars section.


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