I’m Kimberley Doucette – otherwise known as Kimspirational. For the past 20 years, I’ve been working intimately with thousands of individuals, helping them transform their life, to reach for the stars, and open up ‘wide’ to new states of awareness.
Open Up Wide is a powerful tool which is designed to help you unlock your FULL POTENTIAL and achieve your dreams. It is the perfect tool for anyone looking to empower themselves and discover their LIMITLESS POSSIBILITIES. If there is anything I learned in life, it is to not let anything hold you back. Embrace your power and unleash your full potential with Open Up Wide today!
I’m Here To Guide You To Your Next Level Of Personal Evolution!
I understand your frustration. It can be difficult to make meaningful CHANGES in our lives, especially if we are trying to do it alone. That’s why it’s important to have support and access to resources that can help you on your journey towards personal growth and transformation.
My goal is to help HEAL generational trauma, help build BALANCE, and give you a roadmap to ask and discover “WHO AM I?” You will receive TEACHINGS that will empower you and give you fulfillment in your daily life.
Start Your Journey With Me
You Have Nothing To Lose By Getting Started And Everything To Gain
May 27th 2023
Get 30 Days FREE Access
Truly worth it. ❤️
Kimspirational – Kimberley Doucette is one of my greatest and most appreciated teachers and has been for so many years. She is an inspiration for myself and so many. This is a great deal and opportunity for anyone who is thirsty for more knowledge or simply looking for insights, answers to questions or comfort. 🥰
Thank you SO much again for such a beautiful seminar last night!
🫶🙏 Woke up with such a grateful peaceful heart. Was just talking with Mom this morning and we were just saying how much of a beautiful light you truly are for us. 💕 Helping light the way for us to keep doing the work on ourselves and it’s such an incredible journey to be on. Thank you for all you do for so many of us🙏🫶💕 you’re an incredible soul and we’re all so very blessed to know you and be in your presence. XOX
Kim Doucette is a one of a Kind!
I had a session with Kim in January 2023. I was so impressed, even my Angel 😇 Carole that same evening say you must return before she returns overseas. I’ve sense seen Kim several times, always a spiritual joy!
Today I felt guided to become a member of her on line presence. I look forward to the Adventure and the improvements and enlightening messages.