How to Channel


Everyone has intuitive abilities. Many have started waking up to the fact that they possess different abilities and are becoming sensitive to their intuitive gifts, one of which is channeling. Find out where and how to start opening to this gift, how to stay balanced, and how to deal with this newfound ability in a healthy way.

Learn how non-physical and interdimensional beings can communicate through a person. Explore different channeling practices and find out how they can be adapted to our psychic or mediumship abilities.

Don’t get caught up in the confusion and chaos of it all. Allow intuitive channeling to be fun, and build your foundation for success today!

  • What is the difference between psychic work and channeling?
  • How can I channel an angel?
  • How can I channel a passed loved one?
  • How can I channel other interdimensional beings?
  • How can I channel safely?
  • What type of channeling is for me?

If you have any questions during the webinar, please write them down and ask at the end of the live webinar, during the Q&A.

DURATION: 1 hour and 43 minutes
FORMAT: Video + MP3 +PDF

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You really find more than just answers

Rated 5 out of 5

You know something is a truly enjoyable and profound experience when it imparts knowledge and new behaviors upon you. In Kim’s webinars, which I could call workshops of deep insights, you really find more than just answers, you get ancient knowledge that was once available to us a long time ago, but unfortunately forgotten and forbidden. So here Kim, thank you very much for your selfless sharing of this knowledge. ?

Silvo H.

It is really a very deep experience

Rated 5 out of 5

Regarding Kim, I would like to say that I feel deep respect and gratitude for Kim… I feel that she has a very gentle, soft, pleasant, light energy, so I am not at all surprised that the path led me to her. Kim, thank you so much for the opportunity to get new insights, a new outlook on things that I hadn’t paid attention to at all before, but these insights have proven to be crucial in my life. Thanks Kim.

Gregor F.


Rated 5 out of 5

In her magical website, where you immediately feel strong, supportive energy, I feel that it is all there or set up just because of me and for my questions and needs that had been gnawing at my heart. I am truly grateful to her for dispelling my last doubts about a topic that had limited me and my growth for the past 14 years. I’m enjoying, crying and laughing – because the truth that Kim passed on to me is so familiar to my soul, but it had been buried for some time before. Namaste, Petra

Petra A.
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