
Spiritual Awakenings

As the world matures, so do humans. We are all waking up to the issues within the world and the fact that outdated ways of being are needing to change, which includes our actions that add to the old paradigm way of thinking or being.

As a result, you may find yourself in one of many stages of spiritual awakenings happening on the planet. As your consciousness grows, and your interests shift, the meaning of life changes along with it. Once awakened, we often want to just go from 0 to 60 in a snap.

However, the truth is, the world is changing, but not yet changed and if we want to see a shift happen, we first need to change ourselves.

In this class, Kim will talk about the different stages of spiritual growth that you may be encountering and discuss what is needed to get through them with ease and grace. 

  • What are some patterns or stages that I can recognize to help make sense of what’s happening to me?
  • What are the stages of spiritual awakenings?
  • Why is my ego freaking out? I am working on my self-esteem but why am I losing a sense of self?
  • Why do I feel like I am grieving the old me and wish I never started this spiritual process in the first place?
  • What is my true nature?
  • I seem to have so many questions and not enough answers? I thought spirituality was all bliss and fun.
  • Why did spiritually suddenly turn to feel isolating?
  • Who am I now?
  • How can I fill this void I feel?
  • What else is possible?
  • How do I create new habits? Can you really teach an old dog new tricks?
  • How do I know I am going the right way spiritually?
  • How can I develop true balance, so I don’t lose my way again?
  • I am interested in so many spiritual practices, how do I narrow it down?
  • What does it mean to narrow the road and why do I have to do that to tap into my true essence?

DURATION: 1 hour and 33 minutes

FORMAT: Video + MP3

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Truly worth it. ❤️

Rated 5 out of 5

Kimspirational – Kimberley Doucette is one of my greatest and most appreciated teachers and has been for so many years. She is an inspiration for myself and so many. This is a great deal and opportunity for anyone who is thirsty for more knowledge or simply looking for insights, answers to questions or comfort. 🥰

Lisa B.

Thank you SO much again for such a beautiful seminar last night!

Rated 5 out of 5

🫶🙏 Woke up with such a grateful peaceful heart. Was just talking with Mom this morning and we were just saying how much of a beautiful light you truly are for us. 💕 Helping light the way for us to keep doing the work on ourselves and it’s such an incredible journey to be on. Thank you for all you do for so many of us🙏🫶💕 you’re an incredible soul and we’re all so very blessed to know you and be in your presence. XOX

Julie B.

Kim Doucette is a one of a Kind!

Rated 5 out of 5

I had a session with Kim in January 2023. I was so impressed, even my Angel 😇 Carole that same evening say you must return before she returns overseas. I’ve sense seen Kim several times, always a spiritual joy!

Today I felt guided to become a member of her on line presence. I look forward to the Adventure and the improvements and enlightening messages.

Stewart Mills
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